To my sweet baby Amelia,
Mommy can't believe you are already 3 months old. It seems like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital. Boy, have we come a long way since then. You are such a fun little girl and really pretty easy to take care of. You are learning new things every day. Lately you have really discovered that your little hands can hold onto things and pick things up. It's so cute to see your pretty eyes focused on something and your tiny hands working so hard to grab it. You do really good at lifting your head up high when I lay you on your tummy, but you don't like to be left like that too long....you start getting fussy. One of my favorite things is getting you up in the morning. When I peek over the crib you always break into a big smile for me. It brightens my day! You are so cheerful in the morning and ready to have a fun day with me. You have also recently started learning all the cute noises you can make. Little squeals and cooing noises and something that sounds like a little giggle. I love to "talk" to you. Your Daddy and I just love you so much. We already do lots of fun things with you and have so many places and things we want to show you. It was almost a year ago that we found out we would be having you and it was such a long journey for you to get here. I'm so thankful everyday that you hung in there so long and were just perfectly healthy. Happy 3 month Birthday!
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