Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Daddy's Girl:)

Whoooo's Sleepy?

Well, you'd never guess from the picture that Amelia is sleepy. She's so wide eyed all the time, but she was asleep very shortly after the picture. Speaking of sleep....I don't want to jinx us....but she has been sleeping wonderfully. We have a very consistent bedtime routine which begins at about 8:30pm. All the lights are dimmed and we make it nice and quiet and she gets her last feeding. After she's done eating, Chad swaddles her in the "miracle blanket" and takes her to her room and puts her right into bed. She has a stuffed bear in her crib that makes a heart beat sound and we also play lullabies on her ipod. She is usually awake when she goes into bed and puts herself to sleep. In probably 6 weeks we've only had 2 nights where she cried...which is amazing to us. She will sleep for approx 8-9 hours and then need to eat and then go back to sleep for another few hours. I'm so glad I have a baby that likes to sleep in like her mommy does:)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Visit with Great Grandma Lucille

We finally had the opportunity to go and visit Amelia's Great Grandma Lucille....for whom Amelia got her middle name (Lucille). She lives in a retirement home near Cookeville, TN with her sister Lois. They are a beautiful couple of ladies and we were so happy for them to meet little Amelia. We had a nice lunch with them and Chad's parents also and were able to spend a little time. Amelia was a bit fussy, so she didn't cooperate too much with being held by people other than me. I am now realizing that she's a bit of a mommy's girl and she isn't used to being held by others except for her daddy. We enjoyed our visit and Amelia was a good little traveler that day, which made it so nice.

Here is a picture of Amelia and Great Grandma Lucille:

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Dreaded 2 Month Shots

Today was Amelia's 2 month checkup....the one with the shots. When I called to make her appointment, we actually learned that our pediatrician no longer was in that practice. Well, that was kind of a bummer. We were glad that we hadn't developed much of a relationship with her, but we did like her. She's now in an office that's a little further away than we'd like to drive. So, for this appointment we just saw their nurse practitioner. Amelia was in such a good mood and was so cute and smiley for about the 1st 1/2 of the appointment. She got her temp taken, head measured and her length and weight taken. She's growing perfectly! Today she weighed 11 pounds 3 ounces and was 22 inches long. After all that...Amelia started to get a little cranky. Unfortunately we forgot her pacifier today! Ugghh! We asked if they might have one, but they only had a nipple from a bottle and so we used that to calm her. Then is was time for the shots! She was pretty calm until that first prick and then it was the saddest cry ever. Broke my heart:( But, I was pretty proud of myself....I handled it a lot better than I thought I would. I nursed her to calm her down after that and she fell asleep in the car on the way home. Since we've been home she's seemed to feel fine. Although she just spit up a ton about 30 minutes after I last fed her and she has never done that before. I'll give her a little baby tylenol today just to help with any aching she might have.

Wow! 2 months ago her 2 month appointment seemed a million years away. Time sure has flown by...just like everyone says that it does. We are so thankful for a great doctor visit for our healthy, beautiful baby girl. We are such a happy little family:)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Smiling for Mommy :)

A Few Favorite Pics

Here are a few pics that I've taken in the past couple weeks that I love:)
* Amelia napping on daddy....so precious.
* Amelia in a red dress that I wore when I was a baby.
* Amelia in one of my favorite outfits smiling so cute:)
* Hanging out between her buddies....Emma and Logan.