This past week Amelia has gotten a couple fun new things! I got her a play mat with fun toys that hang down and a mirror that she can admire herself in. She loves it! She kicks the toys and scoots around on the mat and likes to stare at the pretty baby looking back at her in the mirror. She squeals in delight and it can entertain her for quite awhile. I normally stay down there on the floor with her and help her grab on to the hanging toys and pull her back onto the mat when she scoots right off. It's been something new for both of us this week and we've had so much fun. She also got a little Glow Worm from her Nana and Pop Pop (Chad's parents). I actually think that Amelia slightly resembles a glow worm with her big eyes. She especially looks like one when she's swaddled up in bed. She really loves the soft light it gives off and it will be so fun for her when she can squeeze it herself and make it light up in bed with her. It's so cute to see her responding to things and having fun:)