I haven't successfully captured a really good picture yet, but little Amelia is smiling! She had her first real smile at about 5 1/2 weeks and now she smiles more and more. Morning time is her happiest time and usually when I see the most smiles. The best ones are in the night when I'm trying to get her back to sleep. She knows that'll melt my heart and make me forget that it's 4:00 in the morning:) She likes when I do peek a boo and she has no idea what I'm doing other than my voice is high pitched and squeaky and she likes that. I love that she's doing new things and growing, but it's also kind of sad. Her tiny newborn diapers are now too snug for her and she's already outgrowing some of her clothes. People always say to enjoy every stage because it goes fast and now I really believe them. I'm trying to savor every day with her because time is flying by.
Here is a pic of a 1/2 smile. I didn't click the camera quite fast enough. We'll try to get a video of it and post that soon.
1 comment:
Mmmmmm . . . the best feeling in the world when that happens. Laughing will be the next kicker! It's awesome! Boy they've got a way of making you melt don't they?
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