I'm sure eventually Amelia will love her bath time, but she definitely was not a happy little girl for her 1st real bath. She screamed at the top of her lungs the whole time...poor little thing. We haven't tried to give her another bath since then and might just stick with quick little sponge baths for awhile. Here are some pictures of a screaming baby:)

We got that same whale tub! So cute!!! Looks like that lil gal's got some lungs! haha. cute.
Oh no, but she's so cute in there! Maybe you need to encourage her that the whale is fun and that it won't eat her. heeheehee.
Love the photos and what a cute towel/blanket! Amelia so pretty . . . even when she's wailing. ha! get it whale-ing? (I know, I know - nerd)
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