Fussy time usually hits at about the time Daddy is coming home. I don't know what it is, but I've heard that evening is often a fussy time for babies. She's usually not too bad, but I can tell she's fighting sleep and acts really tired. She tried to skip that evening nap by fighting and flailing a bit, but eventually she can't help but fall asleep.
Bedtime routine starts at about 10:00. I feed her and we turn all the lights off and just have it nice and quiet setting the mood. After I'm done feeding her then Chad swaddles her in our "miracle blanket". This is basically a baby straight jacket:) I love it! She relaxes and is so calm when she gets swaddled and she can't work her way out of it during the night. Chad puts her down to sleep and she's such a good little sleeper that she just needs to be set down even if she's not asleep and she will put herself to sleep. She will usually sleep for between 4-6 hrs the first stretch and then I get up and change her, feed her and re swaddle her and she sleeps about 3 more hours. Sleeping has been going so good the past 3 weeks. We haven't had even one night where she's had trouble going to sleep and going back to sleep after her middle of the night feeding. It's made such a huge difference in how I feel. I feel rested every day now and can function like a normal person:)
Right now she sleeps in her bouncy seat in her room and we are wanting to get her into her crib. I've started doing some naps in her crib and they have been short and sweet. We are making the switch to the crib at night this upcoming weekend. Since it might require some more hands on attention in the night, I wanted Chad to be able to help more and not have to get up for work the next day. So, we're hoping we can make the switch.
Here are a couple pics of her first time sleeping in the crib for a nap. She looked so sweet and peaceful at first, but quite a different story about 25 minutes later.

Glad to hear things are going better! It really does take that long to get in a groove and feel half-way normal again. It's crazy!
I love her photos! She does look so peaceful in that one! She's so sweet! Good luck this weekend! I hope she transitions very well for you!
Sounds like you got a good routine there, mama! :) Hope the switcharoo to the crib is going good! :)
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