That is my current status. Boy, I never thought that going to the bathroom would be a privledge:) Most people who know me already kind of know what is going on right now with the pregnancy. But, here's the run down. On Monday I had my follow up ultrasound and my cervix has shortened some more and also I was starting to dilate. It was enough of a concern that our Dr. decided it was time to admit me to the hospital most likely for the remainder of the pregnancy. So, I was admitted on Monday and here I am just hanging out and wishing I wasn't here, but I also hope I'll be here for a while so that the baby has time to grow. The main reason I am here at the hospital is for stricter bed rest and also for closer monitoring and so that I am here if something happens. With the fact that my cervix is barely there and also the fact that I'm dilated could mean that things could happen quickly when they do and so they want me already here.
Tomorrow I will be 28 weeks along. On Tuesday, a Dr. from the NICU came and talked with Chad and I. She wanted us to be informed on what to expect. Each week she will come and talk to us about "if our baby were born today"' what would the issues, concerns, obstacles be. She stressed that she doesn't want to scare us, but knows that having a baby in the NICU can be very stressful and overwhelming and the better informed we are the more confident we will feel.
Right now at 27 weeks 6 days, the survival rate is very good. Thankfully! But, there are many complications and obstacles for a baby that small to overcome. The biggest thing is infections. The skin is very thin on a baby that age and also they tend to have to have IV's and tubes that can increase infection. The immune system is just not fully developed. There is also a high chance of learning and developmental issues. And also concerns with growth and weight gain. If she were born now we would be spending about 3-4 months in the NICU. Scary to think about, but I'm also confident that we can get a little further. At week 30 and 31, many of the major concerns are reduced and one of the main issues would just be weight gain. She would still have a good amount of time in the NICU, but she would be in a much better situation.
So, we wait...patiently. It's a very strange time for Chad and I. It's hard to think that we won't have an opportunity to do anything outside this hospital until we have a baby. No evenings out, not getting to sleep in the same bed, our trips to Target. It's certainly now how I pictured things at all. I imagined us taking a couple last weekend trips before the baby and just enjoying our last bit of time with just to two of us. But, we keep focusing on a few months down the road when hopefully our life will resume to a new normal for us. Through all of this Chad has been wonderful. I can't imagine going through this with anyone else in the world.
We will keep you posted and hopefully we will have nothing eventful to report anytime soon.
On a happier and cuter note....occasionally here at the hospital they hook me up to a heartrate monitor and contractions monitor. Today the entire 20 minutes I was hooked up, the baby had the hiccups and you could hear them so clearly through the monitor. It was really cute!
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