Nothing new to report. I learned today that I won't be having weekly ultrasounds anymore. The doctor explained to me today that at a certain point that can only tell them so much. So, right now we are just waiting for the baby to be born. I'm asked about every 2 hours if I'm having they are on top of it! I'm at about 28 1/2 weeks and I read somewhere that for every day that I am here in the hospital we are saving our little baby 2 days from being in the NICU. I remind myself of that when I'm anxious and bored.....I would much rather be here just laying around waiting for her arrival than to be watching her in the NICU.
I found out last night that I am allowed 1 wheelchair ride each day. Of course Chad has to go with me and we have to stay on Vanderbilt Property, but there are a lot of places we can go. There is outdoor areas and several food options. Today was my first venture outside and we went outside and watched some Squirrels eating french fries. It was so cute. They would just down in the garbage can and pop out holding a fry and eat it and then go in for more. It was pretty entertaining:)

THAT is hilarious! Are squirrels not such fun creatures?
It was great seeing you guys tonight! It's always great to see you in such high spirits. Keep it up. We're praying for you three every night!
The Godby's
m, j & s
You look great, Jennifer! We are fervently praying for you. I will especially be thinking of you as I go in for my cerclage the end of this week!!
jen, you look way too cute to be sitting in the hospital! Yay for wheelchair rides - just don't let those squirrels steal YOUR fries! :)
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