Today, December 14th, was Amelia's 6 month Dr. appointment. It's the kind of thing you sort of look forward to because you want to make sure she's doing fine and growing, but then you remember....oh yeah.....those darn shots. We've been really happy with our pediatrician and haven't had to wait at all for our appointment which is a huge blessing with a little one. Today Amelia seemed to be in a really good mood and was wiggling all over the exam table. She has a trick she does where she arches her back and scoots. It's really funny to see. I guess I thought all babies did it, but I'm learning that it's pretty unique. My parents said that I did that when I was little, too:) The nurse and the Dr thought that was pretty hilarious, but they were impressed with her strength. Everything checked out just perfect with her. She weighs 16 lbs 13 oz and is 25 3/4 inches high. That is 51% for her height and 75% for her weight. She did really well with her shots, too. In addition to her normal 6 month shots she also got her H1N1 and her seasonal flu. That was a lot of little pokes in her leg. But, after screaming for a minute or so she has been just fine. I know how sore my arm was just from my flu shot this year, so I can only imagine her little legs will be sore. Here is a picture of her can really see her little teeth in this picture.
1 comment:
so glad things are moving along for a beautiful healthy little girl!
shots are the worst! not only the pokes, but all the decisions involved. one of the hardest things about parenting so far for me.
it's nice that the crying goes away quickly though.
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