I'm a little behind on my posting.....guess I've been busy or something:) So, I'm backing up just a bit to the day we brought little Amelia home from the hospital. After 2 days in the hospital and enjoying lots of visitors and learning a bit about how to care for our baby we were ready to come home. She came home on Saturday June 13th. It was a little scary thinking about bringing this tiny thing home and knowing that she was all ours to care for. Even the drive home was nerve racking for me.....but we made a stop at Sonic....which will be her first of many visits to Sonic Drive In:) She looked so cute and tiny in her car seat. That night my family came over and we grilled hot dogs and hung out and it was pretty early when I was ready for bed. So begins the first night. It's actually kind of a blur to me now. At about 10 pm after her feeding we put her in her crib and she was asleep. I took the baby monitor into our room and tried to go to sleep. But hearing every noise through the monitor (which also lights up when she makes noise) made it impossible for me to relax. I think about the minute I was asleep I heard her start crying. It was 11:00 pm. I stood by her bed with tears streaming down my face thinking...Oh goodness...it's only been an hour and I don't know what to do! (Love those crazy hormones) I think I tried to get her back to sleep and brought her into our room to sleep in her pack n play. That again lasted for maybe an hour and she woke up and I don't know....the rest of the night is a blur. Sleeping on Daddy's chest, laying between us, rocking her in the chair in her nursery.....and eventually and thankfully the sun finally came up and we had made it through the first night.
Pre-Pregnancy Weight: No Ifs, Ands, or Big Butts
8 years ago
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