Well, now you all know that I am in fact pregnant. Here's the story of the week we figured that out. We knew and hoped that it would be a possibility and I had done plenty of research on the topic to know exactly how to make this happen. During that waiting period of not knowing.....I over analyzed every feeling I had. But, I'm good at that and knew all too well that it could all be in my head. One day I even had a dizzy spell that required me to lay down. But as the day approached that I could "know" for sure I tried to not get my hopes up too much. Tuesday October 7th I did my first pregnancy test. I took it in the morning after Chad had already left and it came up with the words "NOT PREGNANT". My heart sunk and I let Chad know.....we'll have to try again next month. Well....the next few days did not being my "monthly cycle" and so I was confused. I had a couple other pregnancy tests from the internet that I did and both were negative. I was convinced I wasn't pregnant. So, on Friday night Chad and I had gone out to an event at Vanderbilt University and then to coffee afterwards. We have a conversation about how even if this takes us awhile, we need to stay positive and just focus on how much we have to be thankful for and just enjoy life. On the way home I wanted to just pick up another pregnancy test as at this point......still no "monthly cycle". We got home and to put it bluntly, I peed on the stick and set the microwave timer for 3 minutes. I wasn't even eager as I had convinced myself I wasn't pregnant. BUT, the timer went "ding" and I squealed "THERE'S A LINE!". Of course, still not believing it......I had to concur with my favorite source, the internet. The internet said......if there's a line, no matter how faint......YOU ARE PREGNANT. I also had to email a picture of the test to my friends JJ and Anna.....they both agreed....there was a line.
So, that first night was a bit restless as we were in total shock although very excited. The next morning I took another test...just to be sure. Another line! Yayyyyy!
We were able to tell all of our immediate family in person that first week. It was so fun to see the surprised reactions! This will be my parents first little grand baby and the 2nd for Chad parents. The reality is still sinking in and now that the word is out if feels even more real. I'm glad we have over 8 months to prepare for this little person that we will we will be given to love and care for.
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