A bit of everything we love all wrapped up in a Friday
I'd call today perfect. And...it's only 5:30. Today was one of my days off and Chad took the day off too! So, we just planned on having a really fun and relaxing day. Sleeping in, cashing in all our loose change we have been accumulating, lunching in downtown Franklin, strolling around and shopping in the little shops, me- getting ice cream, Chad - getting Chocolate at his favorite place, going to the paint store for paint swatch ideas and THEN.......FINALLY going to see if they have started our new house! Yayyyyyy.....the foundation is ready to be poured! It's kind of surprising how exciting it is to just see a mess of pipes sticking out of the ground and wood framing in where the concrete will go. But...we know that it's so much more than that. It's going to be our new home and we can't wait. We stopped in at the model home in the neighborhood we are building and had our paint swatches, measuring tape and notebook and just spent forever pondering ideas. Fun and overwhelming.
In just a bit we are going to a Nashville Sounds Baseball game. Our church (www.thevillagechapel.com) has a section reserved and it's something called Family Faith night. Should be a lot of fun!
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