Our house is starting to be framed! We were so excited to drive by and see that the bottom floor of our house is framed! It helps us to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We wrote our contract in February 2008 with a closing date of January 2009 and that seemed an eternity away. But, both Chad and I are actually now happy with the wait. We've been color scheming and planning furniture layouts and basically just obsessing about it....but luckily it's fun for us. I loved my old townhome and I actually really love our apartment, but it's just going to be so special to have our 1st home TOGETHER.
Two weeks from tomorrow Chad and I will be sitting on the beach in Cancun! Anyone that knows us, probably knows that within minutes of checking in, we will be ordering up some fresh guacamole and salsa. Yummy! They say avocados are a healthy fat....so I'm just going with that.
Chad has already gotten out the suitcase and if I know him...which I do...he'll start packing anyday. We are so excited to have our first "out of the country" vacation together. And....it's our first beach/relaxation type of vacation which I think we are both looking forward to. We plan on doing just 1 or 2 tours/excursions with snorkeling and then just doing nothing but chilling out.
My Parents, that is. They just got back from a 3,200 mile 10 day trip that they took riding their Harley! Starting in Nebraska through Colorado, Utah, Arizona and back. What an awesome way to celebrate their 35th Anniversary. They looked forward to this trip for a long time and it's been so fun to hear about their motorcycle adventures. My mom said once that "They feel like newlyweds again!". That means so much to me to hear and I love looking at their pictures from their trip and knowing that they are best friends and had a trip of a lifetime together. I can't imagine being more thankful for them and I think they are the best parents ever! Just wish they lived closer!
I'd call today perfect. And...it's only 5:30. Today was one of my days off and Chad took the day off too! So, we just planned on having a really fun and relaxing day. Sleeping in, cashing in all our loose change we have been accumulating, lunching in downtown Franklin, strolling around and shopping in the little shops, me- getting ice cream, Chad - getting Chocolate at his favorite place, going to the paint store for paint swatch ideas and THEN.......FINALLY going to see if they have started our new house! Yayyyyyy.....the foundation is ready to be poured! It's kind of surprising how exciting it is to just see a mess of pipes sticking out of the ground and wood framing in where the concrete will go. But...we know that it's so much more than that. It's going to be our new home and we can't wait. We stopped in at the model home in the neighborhood we are building and had our paint swatches, measuring tape and notebook and just spent forever pondering ideas. Fun and overwhelming.
In just a bit we are going to a Nashville Sounds Baseball game. Our church (www.thevillagechapel.com) has a section reserved and it's something called Family Faith night. Should be a lot of fun!